MOM Regulation and Importance to Security Firm

MOM Regulation and Importance to Security Firm

MOM Regulation and Importance to Security Firm

The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) is one government institution that has proven to be people-driven. The Ministry has stood for the common man, fought their battles and defended them in threatening situations. What the MOM is concerned about is that every Singaporean worker should be treated with fairness. Fortunately, Regal Security is a worker-friendly Agency. We so much believe in the powers of our employees. We understand that without their contributions and cooperation, the Agency cannot attain its present position. Hence, we have never found it difficult as a Firm to comply with the provisions of the MOM.

One message that the Ministry is driving home with its regulations is that security agencies need to be integrity-proven. Your integrity is questionable when you don’t prioritise the welfare of your employees. They are the tools through which agencies achieve their goals. This means they should not be treated with levity. You must make them proud and comfortable. The whole essence of setting up a security firm is to fight insecurity which is a form of injustice. Then, we must make sure that what we claim to be fighting does not show its ugly head in our conduct. This will amount to hypocrisy. The MOM regulation has helped in curbing this tendency.

The MOM regulation also states that security officers should not be overworked. Truth be told, security work can be daunting and overwhelming. Most times you are required to be on the field for 24 hours. Agencies may be tempted to make officers work for this long. However, this means that the officers will not have time for themselves to rest and do some other personal things. Ultimately, this will affect their level of productivity. Since agencies need to comply with the maximum of 12-hour work period given by the MOM, security officers are given time to rest. This will amount to greater work output. Security agencies are still the ultimate winners!

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